Characterization of the demand for environmental health improvements in developing countries

project-areas-characterizationI first became interested in the connections between the environment and health while serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Mali, West Africa, where I was posted with a small private sector sanitation service provider (the GIE Sema Saniya, now known as Saniya Diabeso) to help it design and monitor construction of a pilot system for management and treatment of septage pumped from private and community latrines. This experience was truly life-altering for me, as it challenged my environmental engineering training by thrusting me into an experiential crash course on the realities of infectious diseases in lower-income countries.

Since my Peace Corps service ended in the spring of 2004, I have contributed to a variety of field-based environment and development research efforts, to better understand household preferences for health-improving technologies and behaviors. These have included:


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