Manuscripts under review / in preparation
Bensch, G.; M. Jeuland; J. Peters (2020). “Efficient biomass cooking in Africa for climate change mitigation and development.” In revision.
Calder, R.; C. Grady; M. Jeuland; C. Kirchhoff; R. Hale; R. Muenich (2020). “COVID-19 reveals vulnerability of the food-energy-water nexus to viral pandemics.” In revision.
Usmani, F.; M. Jeuland; S. Pattanayak (2020). “NGOs and the effectiveness of interventions.” In revision.
Hasan, Syed M.; Agha Ali Akram; M. Jeuland (2020). “Increasing willingness to pay for urban drinking water service.” In revision.
Krishnapriya, P.P.; M. Chandrasekaran; M. Jeuland; S.K. Pattanayak (2021). “Do improved cookstoves save time and improve gender outcomes? Evidence from six developing countries.” Submitted.
Das, I.; B. Rogers; M. Nepal; M. Jeuland (2021). “Fuel Stacking Implications for Willingness to Pay for Cooking Fuels in Peri-urban Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.” Submitted.
Meles, T.H.; A. Mekonnen; A.D. Beyene; S. Hassen; S.K. Pattanayak; S. Sebsibie; T. Klug; Jeuland (2021). “Households’ valuation of power outages in major cities of Ethiopia: An application of stated preference methods.” Submitted.
Li, L. & M. Jeuland (2018). “Do Increasing Block Tariffs promote water conservation? Evidence from a unique pricing reform in Hangzhou, China.” Submitted.
Das, I.; T. Klug; P. P. Krishnapriya; V. Plutshack; R. Saparapa; S. Scott; E. Sills; Jeuland; N. Kara & S.K. Pattanayak. (2020). “A Virtuous Cycle? Reviewing the evidence on women’s empowerment and energy access, frameworks, metrics and methods.” White Paper.
Somanathan, E.; E. Gupta; M. Jeuland; R. Kamdar; U. Kumar; T. V. Ninan; V. Chowdhury; S. Chandna; M. Bergin; K. Johnson; C. Norris; T. R. Fetter; S. K. Pattanayak (2020). “Evaluating electric stoves as a solution for household air pollution in the world’s most polluted region.” In preparation.
Shrestha, G.; E. Pakhtigian & M. Jeuland (2020). “Women who do not migrate: Social interactions and participation in western Nepal.” In preparation.
Lewis, J.J.; M. Jeuland; J. Baumgartner; A. Blawas; R. Thadani; J.M. Meyer; S.K. Pattanayak. (2019). “Clean cookstove and heater use reduces air pollution and wood consumption in the Himalaya.” In preparation.
Morrison, L.; L. Lipinski, M. Jeuland (2019). “Changing perceptions of cooking technologies: Results from a randomized control trial in Uttarakhand, India. In preparation.
Jeuland, M.; J. Orgill (2021). “The economic impacts of large-scale water infrastructure improvements in urban Zarqa, Jordan.” Working Paper.
Peer-reviewed publications
Jeuland, M. (2021). “Review of the State of the Art in Analysis of the Economics of Water Resources Infrastructure.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science (Forthcoming).
Jeuland, M.; M. McClatchey; S. Patil; S.K. Pattanayak; C. Poulos; J.C. Yang (2021). “Do decentralized community treatment plants provide better water? Evidence from Andhra Pradesh.” Land Economics (Forthcoming).
Morgan, S.; J. Baker; J. Orgill-Meyer; M. Jeuland (2020). “Valuing water quality with adaptation: Evidence from a natural experiment in Jordan.” Water Economics and Policy (Forthcoming).
Jeuland, M.; M. Moffa; A. Al-Farra (2021). “The contribution of a major urban infrastructure improvement project to reducing water deficits in Jordan.” International Journal of Water Resources Development (Forthcoming).
Paudel, D.; M. Jeuland; S.P. Lohani (2021). “Cooking Energy Transition in Nepal: Trend Review.” Clean Energy Journal 2020: 1-9. doi: 10.1093/ce/zkaa022.
Das, I.; J.J. Lewis; R. Ludolph; M. Bertram; H. Adair-Rohani; M. Jeuland (2021). “The benefits of action to reduce household air pollution (BAR-HAP) model: A new decision support tool for energy and health sector decision-makers.” PLoS One 16(1): e0245729.
Radin, M.; B. Wong; C. McManus; S. Sinha; M. Jeuland; E. Larbi; B. Tuffuor; N.K. Biscoff; D. Whittington (2020). “Benefits and costs of rural sanitation interventions in Ghana.” Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 10(4): 724-743.
Jeuland, M., T. R. Fetter, Y. Li, S. K. Pattanayak, F. Usmani, and the Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative (2020). Is energy a golden thread? A systematic review of the impacts of modern and traditional energy use in low-and middle-income countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135: 110406.
Wheeler, K.; M. Jeuland; J. Hall; E. Zagona; D. Whittington (2020). “Understanding and Managing New Risks on the Nile with the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.” Nature Communications 11: 5222.
Jeuland, M.; N. Ohlendorf; R. Saparapa; J. Steckel (2020). “Climate implications of electrification projects in the developing world: A systematic review”. Environmental Research Letters 15(1): 103010.
Jeuland, M.; S. Pattanayak ; S. Samaddar; R. Shah; M. Vora (2020). “Adoption and impacts of improved biomass cookstoves in rural Rajasthan.” Energy for Sustainable Development 57: 149-159.
Calder, R.; A. Troncoso; R. Marx; V. Mallampalli; S.A. Mason, L.P. Olander; M. Jeuland; M.E. Borsuk (2020). “Graphical causal network and evidence characterization for development, environment and health impacts of energy transitions in the developing world.” Environmental Modelling and Software 130: 104734,
Sharma, A.; E. Karki; N. Eriyagama; G. Shrestha; M. Jeuland; L. Bharati (2020). “Whose river is it: An assessment of livelihood and cultural water flow requirements for the Karnali.” Ecology and Society 25(3): 22.
Jeuland, M. (2020). “The Economics of Dams”. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 36(1): 45–68,
Fuente, D.; M. Allaire; M. Jeuland; D. Whittington (2020). “Forecasts of Mortality and Economic Losses from Poor Water and Sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa”. PLoS One 15(3): e0227611.
Radin, M., M. Jeuland, H. Wang & D. Whittington (2020). “Benefit-Cost Analysis of Community-Led Total Sanitation Campaigns: Incorporating Results from Recent Evaluations.” Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 11(3): 380-417. doi:10.1017/bca.2020.6.
Whittington, D.; M. Radin; M. Jeuland (2020). “Evidence-based Policy Analysis? The Strange Case of the Randomized Controlled Trials of Community-Led Total Sanitation”. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 36(1): 191–221,
Jeuland, M.; S.K. Pattanayak; J.S. Tan-Soo; F. Usmani (2020). “Preferences and the effectiveness of behavior-change interventions: Evidence from adoption of improved cookstoves in India.” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics 7(2): 305-343.
Godebo, T.; M. Jeuland; R. Tekle-Haimanot; A. Shankar; B. Alemayehu; G. Assefa; G. Whitford; A. Wolfe (2020). “Bone quality in fluoride-exposed populations: A novel application of the ultrasonic method.” Bone Reports 12: 100235.
Pakhtigian, E.; M. Jeuland; S. Dhaubanjar; V. Pandey (2020). “Balancing intersectoral demands in basin-scale planning: The case of Nepal’s western river basins.” Water Resources and Economics 30: 100152.
Marzolf, N.; E. Pakhitigian; E. Burton; M. Jeuland; S.K. Pattanayak; J. Phillips; C. Eibs-Singer; H. Taylor; M. Hallack; J. Cuervo; C. Jacome (2019). “The Energy Access Dividend in Honduras and Haiti”. Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, D.C.
Pakhtigian, E., M. Jeuland, L. Bharati & V. Pandey (2019). “The Role of Hydropower in Visions of Water Resources Development for the Rivers of Western Nepal.” International Journal of Water Resources Development. DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2019.1600474.
Tallis et al. (2019). “Aligning Evidence Generation and Use Across Health, Development and Environment.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 39: 81–93.
Godebo, T.; C. Paul; R. Tekle-Haimanot; M. Jeuland (2019). “Biomonitoring of metals and trace elements in urine of central Ethiopian populations.” International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 222(3): 410-418.
Li, Li; E. Araral; M. Jeuland. (2019). “The Drivers of Household Drinking Water Choices in Singapore: Evidence from Multivariable Regression Analysis of Perceptions and Household Characteristics.” Science of the Total Environment 671: 1116-1124.
Pattanayak, S.K.; M. Jeuland, J.J. Lewis, F. Usmani, et al. (2019) “Experimental Evidence on Promotion of Electric and Improved Biomass Cookstoves.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1808827166.
Orgill-Meyer, J.; S. Pattanayak; N. Chindarkar; K. Dickinson; U. Panda; S. Rai; B. Sahoo; A. Singha; M. Jeuland (2019). “Sustaining Sanitation: The Long-Term Impacts of a Community-Led Total Sanitation Campaign.” Bulletin of the World Health Organization 97(8), 523.
DuChanois, Ryan; E. Liddle; R. Fenner; M. Jeuland; B. Evans; O. Cumming; R. Zaman; A. Mujica-Pereira; I. Ross; M. Gribble; J. Brown (2019). “Factors Associated with Water Service Continuity for the Rural Populations of Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ethiopia, and Mozambique.” Environmental Science and Technology 53(8): 4355-4363.
Pakhtigian, E. & M. Jeuland (2019). “Valuing the environmental costs of local development: Evidence from households in Western Nepal.” Ecological Economics 158: 158-167.
Zeff, H.; G. Characklis; M. Jeuland; D. Kaczan & B. Murray (2019). “The potential benefits of groundwater trading and reformed water rights in the Diamond Valley, Nevada.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 145(6): 05019009.
Jeuland, M.; K. Hansen, H. Doherty; L. Eastman; M. Tchamkina (2019). “The economic impacts of water information systems: A systematic review” Water Resources and Economics 26: 100128.
Paul, C.; M. Jeuland; T. Godebo ; E. Weinthal (2018). “Communities coping with risks: Household water choice and environmental health in the Ethiopian Rift Valley.” Environmental Science and Policy 86: 85-94.
Trent, M.; Dreibelbis, R.; Bir, A.; Tripathi, S.; Labhasetwar, P.; Nagarnaik, P.; Loo, A.; Bain, R.; M. Jeuland; Brown, J. (2018). “Access to household water quality information leads to safer water: a cluster randomized controlled trial in India.” Environmental Science & Technology 52(9): 5319-29.
Grace, D. & M. Jeuland (2018). “Preferences for forest attributes along an urbanization gradient in the national capital region of India.” Ecological Economics 152: 322-335.
Shannon, A.; F. Usmani, S. Pattanayak, M. Jeuland (2018). “The Price of Purity: Willingness to pay for air and water purification technologies in Rajasthan, India.” Environmental and Resource Economics 73(4): 1073-1100
Graham, J.; M. Kaur and M. Jeuland (2018). “Access to Environmental Health Assets across Wealth Strata: Evidence from 41 Low- and Middle-Income Countries.” PLoS One 13(11): e0207339.
Jeuland, M.; J.S. Tan Soo; D. Shindell (2018). “The need for policies to reduce the costs of cleaner cooking in low income settings: Implications from systematic analysis of costs and benefits.” Energy Policy 121: 275-285.
Bekchanov, M.; A. Sood; A. Pinto; M. Jeuland (2018). “Systematic Review of Water-Economy Modeling Applications.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 143(8). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000793.
Jeuland, M.; X. Wu; D. Whittington (2017). “Infrastructure Development and the Economics of Cooperation in the Eastern Nile.” Water International 42(2): 121-141. doi:10.1080/02508060.2017.1278577.
Orgill, J.; Jeuland; N. Cutler; J. Albert (2017). “Comparing contingent valuation and averting expenditure estimates of the costs of irregular water supply.” Ecological Economics 146: 250–264.
Bekchanov, M.; A. Sood; , M. Jeuland (2017). “Hydro-economic models to address river basin management problems: structure, applications, and research gaps.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 143(8). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000793.
Rango, T.; M. Jeuland; T. Whitford ; A. Vengosh (2017). “Evaluation of biomarkers of chronic exposure to fluoride in groundwater in a highly exposed Rift Valley population.” Science of the Total Environment 596-7: 1-11.
Usmani, F.; J. Steele; M. Jeuland (2017). “Can economic incentives enhance adoption and sustained use of a household energy technology? Evidence from a pilot study in Cambodia.” Environmental Research Letters 12(3): 035009. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa6008.
Goodman, D.; R. Ramaswamy; M. Jeuland; E. Srofenyoh; C. Engmann; A. Olufolabi; M. Owen (2017). “The cost effectiveness of a quality improvement program to reduce maternal and fetal mortality in a regional referral hospital in Accra, Ghana.” PLoS One 12(7): e0180929. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180929.
Clark, S.; E. Carter; M. Shan; K. Ni; H. Niu; J.T.W. Tseng; S.K. Pattanayak; M. Jeuland; J.J. Schauer; M. Ezzati; C. Wiedinmyer; X. Yang; J. Baumgartner (2017). “Adoption and use of a semi-gasifier cooking and water heating stove and fuel intervention in the Tibetan Plateau, China.” Environmental Research Letters 12. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa751e.
Brooks, N.; Jeuland; J. Lewis; S. Pattanayak (2016). “How much do clean cookstoves reduce biomass fuel consumption? Evidence from North India” Resource and Energy Economics 43: 153-171.
Brown, J.; M. Jeuland; A. Hamoudi; G. Turrini (2016). “Seeing, believing, and behaving: Heterogeneous effects of an information intervention on household water treatment.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (In Press). doi: 10.1016/j.jeem.2016.08.005.
Wu, X.; , M. Jeuland; D. Whittington (2016). “Does Hydropolitical Ambiguity Affect Water Resources Development? The Case of the Eastern Nile.” Policy & Society 35(2): 151-163.
Paul, C.; E. Weinthal; M. Bellemare; M. Jeuland (2015). “Social capital, trust, and adaptation to climate change: Evidence from rural Ethiopia” Global Environmental Change 36: 124-138.
Lunyera, J.; D. Mohottige; M. von Isenburg; Jeuland; U. Patel; and J. Stanifer (2015). “Chronic Kidney Disease of Uncertain Etiology: A Systematic Review.” Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. doi: 10.2215/CJN.07500715
Jeuland, M.; V Bhojvaid; A Kar; J. Lewis; O. Patange; S.K. Pattanayak; N Ramanathan; I. Rehman; J. Tan Soo; V. Ramanathan (2015) “Preferences for improved cookstoves: Evidence from rural villages in north India” Energy Economics 52B: 287-98.
Bekchanov, M.; C. Ringler; A. Bhaduri and M. Jeuland (2015). “Optimizing irrigation efficiency improvements in the Aral Sea Basin.” Water Resources and Economics 13: 30-45.
Jeuland, M.; J. Orgill, A. Shaheed, A., G. Revell & J. Brown (2012). “A matter of good taste: Investigating preferences for in-house water treatment” Environment and Development Economics 21(3): 291-317.
Li, L.; W. Li.; T. Ballard; G. Sun; and Jeuland (2015). “CMIP5 model simulations of Ethiopian Kiremt-season precipitation: current climate and future changes.” Climate Dynamics. doi 10.1007/s00382-015-2737-4.
Bekchanov, M.; C. Ringler; A. Bhaduri and Jeuland (2015). “How does the Rogun Dam affect water and energy scarcity in Central Asia?” Water International 40(5-6): 856-876. doi:10.1080/02508060.2015.1051788.
Jeuland, M.; R. Bluffstone; S.K. Pattanayak (2015). “The economics of household air pollution.” Annual Review of Resource Economics 7: 81-108.
Jeuland, M. (2015). “Challenges to wastewater reuse in the Middle East and North Africa.” Middle East Development Journal 7(1): 1-25.
Rango, T.; Jeuland; H. Manthrithilake; P. McCornick (2015). “Nephrotoxic contaminants in drinking water and urine, and chronic kidney disease in rural Sri Lanka.” Science of the Total Environment 518-519: 574-585.
Lewis, J.; V. Bhojvaid; N. Brooks; I. Das; M. Jeuland; O. Patange, S.K. Pattanayak (2014). “Piloting improved cookstoves in India.” Journal of Health Communication 20: 28–42.
Jeuland, M.; J. Baker; Bartlett, R.; G. Lacombe (2014). “The costs of uncoordinated infrastructure management in multi-reservoir river basins” Environmental Research Letters 9(105006). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/10/105006. For video abstract, click here.
Lacombe, G.; S. Douangsavanh, J. Baker, C.T. Hoanh, R. Bartlett, M. Jeuland; C. Phongpachith (2014). “Hydropower and irrigation in the Nam Ngum sub-basin of the Mekong River: An example of complimentary developments.” Water International 39(5): 649-670.
Rango, T.; A. Vengosh; M. Jeuland; R. Tekle-Haimanot, E. Weinthal, J. Kravchenko, C. Paul, P. McCornick (2014). “Fluoride exposure from groundwater as reflected by urinary fluoride and children’s dental fluorosis in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley.” Science of the Total Environment 496: 188-197.
Whittington, D.; J. Waterbury; M. Jeuland (2014). “The Grand Renaissance Dam and Prospects for Cooperation on the Nile.” Water Policy 16: 595-608.
Jeuland, M.; D. Whittington (2014). “Water Resources Planning under Climate Change: Assessing the Robustness of Real Options for the Blue Nile.” Water Resources Research 50(3): 2086-2107.
Krauchanka, J.; T. Rango; I. Akushevich; B. Atlaw; P.G. McCornick; B.R. Merola; C. Paul; E. Weinthal; A. Vengosh; M. Jeuland (2014). “The effect of non-fluoride factors on risk of dental fluorosis: Evidence from rural populations of the Main Ethiopian Rift.” Science of the Total Environment 488-9: 595-606.
Shaheed,A.; J. Orgill, M.A. Montgomery, M. Jeuland & J. Brown. (2014). “Why “improved” water sources are not always safe.” Bull World Health Organ 2014;92:283–289
Bhojvaid, V.; M. Jeuland, A. Kar; J. Lewis; S.K. Pattanayak; N. Ramanathan; V. Ramanathan; I. Rehman (2014). “How do people in rural India perceive improved stoves and clean fuel? Evidence from Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11(2), 1341-1358.
Shaheed, A.; J. Orgill; R. Chai; M. Montgomery; M. Jeuland; J. Brown (2013). “Water quality risks to “improved” water sources: evidence from Cambodia” Tropical Medicine and International Health 19(2): 186-194. doi: 10.1111/tmi.12229.
Jeuland, M.; S. Ozdemir; D. Fuente; M. Allaire; D. Whittington (2013). “The long-term dynamics of health benefits from improved water and sanitation in developing countries.” PLoS ONE 8(10): e74804. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074804.
Orgill, J.; M. Jeuland; A. Shaheed; J. Brown (2013). “Water quality perceptions and willingness to pay for clean water in peri-urban communities in Cambodia.” Journal of Water & Health 11(3): 489-506. doi:10.2166/wh.2013.212.
Jeuland, M.,N. Harshadeep; J. Escurra; D. Blackmore; C. Sadoff (2013). “Implications of climate change for water resources development in the Ganges basin.” Water Policy 15:26-50. doi:10.2166/wp.2013.107.
Wu, X., M. Jeuland, D. Whittington, C. Sadoff (2013). “Interdependence in water resource development in the Ganges: an economic analysis.” Water Policy 15:89-108. doi:10.2166/wp.2013.003.
Sadoff, C., N. R. Harshadeep, D. Blackmore, X. Wu, A. O’Donnell, M. Jeuland, S. Lee and D. Whittington (2013). “Ten fundamental questions for water resources development in the Ganges: myths and realities.” Water Policy 15: 147-164. doi:10.2166/wp.2013.006.
Hamoudi, A, M. Jeuland, S. Lombardo, S.R. Patil, S.K. Pattanayak, and S. Rai (2012). “The effect of water quality testing on household behavior: Evidence from an experiment in rural India.” American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 87: 18-22; doi:10.4269/ajtmh.2012.12-0051.
Jeuland, M. (2012). “Creating incentives for more effective wastewater reuse in the Middle East and North Africa.” In: Environmental Incentives and Regulation. Ed.: Abou-Ali, H. Edward-Elgar Press.
Whittington, D.; M. Jeuland; K. Barker, Y. Yuen (2012). “Setting Priorities and, Targeting Subsidies among Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Preventive Health Interventions in Developing Countries.” World Development 40(8): 1546–1568.
Rango, T.; J. Kravchenko; A. Vengosh; P. McCornick; B. Atlaw; M. Jeuland & B. Merola (2012). “Groundwater quality and its health impact: an assessment of dental fluorosis in rural inhabitants of the Main Ethiopian Rift.” Environment International 43: 37-47; doi:10.1016/j.envint.2012.03.002.
Jeuland, M.; S. Pattanayak (2012). “Benefits and costs of improved cookstoves: Assessing the implications of variability in health, forest and climate impacts” PLOS One 7(2): e30338. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030338.
Cook, J.; M. Jeuland; B. Maskery; D. Whittington (2011). “Giving stated preference respondents “time to think”: results from four countries.” Environmental and Resource Economics 51(4): 473-496. doi 10.1007/s10640-011-9508-4.
Jeuland, M. (2010). “Economic implications of climate change for infrastructure planning in transboundary water systems: an example from the Blue Nile.” Water Resources Research 46, W11556. doi:10.1029/2010WR009428.
Jeuland, M. (2010). “Social discounting of large dams with climate change uncertainty.” Water Alternatives Special Issue on the World Commission on Dams 3(2): 185-206.
Jeuland, M.; M. Lucas; J. Clemens; D. Whittington (2009). “Estimating the private benefits of vaccination against cholera in Beira, Mozambique: a travel cost approach.” Journal of Development Economics 91: 310-322.
Jeuland, M.; J. Cook; J. Clemens; C. Poulos; D. Whittington; DOMI Cholera Economics Study Group (2009). “Cost-effectiveness of new generation oral cholera vaccines: a multi-site analysis.” Value in Health 12 (6), 899-908.
Jeuland, M.; M. Lucas; J. Clemens; D. Whittington (2009). “A Cost Benefit Analysis of Vaccination Programs in Beira, Mozambique.” World Bank Economic Review 23 (2):235-267.
Whittington, D.; W.M. Hanemann; C. Sadoff; M. Jeuland. (2009). “The Challenge of Improving Water and Sanitation Services in Less Developed Countries.” Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics 4 (6): 469-607.
Jeuland, M.; D. Whittington (2009). “Cost-benefit comparisons of investments in improved water supply and cholera vaccination programs.” Vaccine 27 (23):3109-3120.
Soliman, E.; M.A. Aty Sayed, M. Jeuland (2009). “Impact Assessment of Future Climate Change for the Blue Nile Basin, Using a RCM Nested in a GCM.” Nile Water Science and Engineering Magazine 2: 15-30.
Davis, J.; H. Lukacs; M. Jeuland; A. Alvestegui; B. Soto; G. Lizarraga; A. Bakalian (2008). “Sustaining the benefits of rural water supply investments: Experience from Cochabamba and Chuquisaca, Bolivia.” Water Resources Research 44: doi:10.1029/2007WR006550.
Cook, J.; M. Jeuland; B. Maskery; D. Lauria; D. Sur; J. Clemens; D. Whittington (2008). “Using private demand studies to calculate socially optimal vaccine subsidies in developing countries.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 28 (1): 6-28.
Cook, J.; M. Jeuland; D. Whittington; C. Poulos; J. Clemens; D. Sur; D.D. Anh; M. Agtini; Z. Bhutta; DOMI Typhoid Economics Study Group (2008). “The cost-effectiveness of typhoid Vi vaccination programs: Calculations for four urban sites in four Asian countries.” Vaccine 26 (50): 6305-6316.
Lucas, M.; M. Jeuland; J. Deen; N. Lizaro; M. McMahon; A. Nyamete; A. Barreto; L. von Seidlein; A. Cumbane; F. Songane; D. Whittington (2007). “Private Demand for Cholera Vaccines in Beira, Mozambique.” Vaccine 25 (14): 2599-2609.
Strauss, M.; W. Barreiro; M. Steiner; A. Mensah; M. Jeuland; S. Bolomey; A. Montangero; D. Koné (2003). “Urban Excreta Management – Situation, Challenges and Promising Solutions.” Asian Water Quality. Bangkok, Thailand.
Book chapters, policy briefs, or other reports
Zeff, H.; G. Characklis; M. Jeuland; D. Kaczan; B. Murray & K. Locklier (2016). “Benefits, Costs, and Distributional Impacts of a Groundwater Trading Program in the Diamond Valley, Nevada.” Nicholas Institute or Environmental Policy Solutions Report NI R 16-02; Durham, USA.
Jeuland, M. (2016). “Water financing and policy in a new era of infrastructure development.” In: Water, Security and U.S. Foreign Policy. World Wildlife Fund.
Jeuland, M. (2016). “The case for improving water efficiency in MENA countries.” Economic Research Forum Policy Brief; Cairo, Egypt.
Jain, S.K.; M. Jeuland; L. Bharati, Z.H. Khan (2016). “Surface Water Resources of the Ganga Basin.” In: The Ganges River Basin: Status and challenges in water, environment and livelihoods. L. Bharati, Sharma, A. Nishat, V. Smakhtin (ed.). Earthscan.
International, Non-partisan Eastern Nile Working Group (2015). “The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: An Opportunity for Collaboration and Shared Benefits in the Eastern Nile Basin.” MIT Abdul Latif Jameel World Water and Food Security Lab; Cambridge, MA. Available at:
Whittington, D.; D. Fuente; M. Allaire & M. Jeuland (2015). “Forecasts of mortality and the economic losses from poor water and sanitation in sub-Saharan Africa.” Global Water Partnership Paper. Stockholm, Sweden.
Jeuland, M. (2014). “Air Pollution Perspective Paper.” Copenhagen Consensus Center Post-2015 Consensus. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jeuland, M. (2013). “Chapter 7.10 Demand Assessment” and “Chapter 7.11. Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis” In: Bartram, J. Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and Health.
Jeuland, M.; S. Ozdemir; D. Fuente; M. Allaire; D. Whittington (2013). “Economic Losses from Poor Water and Sanitation: Past, Present, and Future.” In: Lomborg, B. How Much have Global Problems Cost the World? A Scorecard from 1900 to 2050. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Kfouri, C.; P. Mantovani; M. Jeuland. (2009). “Water Reuse in the MNA Region: Constraints, Experiences, and Policy Recommendations.” In Water in the Arab World: Management Perspectives and Innovations, Jagannathan, N., A. S. Mohamed, A. Kremer (eds.). The World Bank: Washington, D.C.
Jeuland, M.; D. Koné; M. Strauss (2004). “Private Sector Management of Fecal Sludge: A Model for the Future? Focus on an innovative planning experience in Bamako, Mali.” Duebendorf, Switzerland, EAWAG/SANDEC.
Jeuland, M. (2003). “Projet de réalisation d’une unité de traitement de boues de vidange.” (Translation: Feasibility study for a fecal sludge treatment project). GIE Sema Saniya: Bamako, Mali.