Evaluating the impacts of investments in urban water and sewerage in Zarqa, Jordan
I am leading this Impact Evaluation (IE) that is focused on identifying a causal relationship between, on the one hand, investments in improved piped water and sewerage in Zarqa, Jordan, and, on the other, changes in household availability and consumption of different sources of water, household income, household expenditure and household health indicators. The evaluation also seeks to measure potential impacts on other sectors (agriculture, utility financial performance, and local enterprises) should these occur in parallel to, or instead of, the expected impacts on households. This IE is perhaps the first attempt to conduct a rigorous IE design of a large infrastructure project in Jordan, and may be one of the first designed to evaluate impacts from large water network improvements.
Please view my webinar on the Impact Evaluation design here.
Main research collaborators:
- Nathan Cutler, Sabreen Alikhan, Erica Holzapfel, Molly Brune (Social Impact)
- Jeff Albert (Aquaya)
- Jenny Orgill (Duke)
- Alan Wyatt (Research Triangle Institute)