Understanding complementarity in environmental health investments / Evaluating promotion of improved cookstoves in Rajasthan
Despite recent progress in reducing the global burden of disease related to the environment, the poorest populations of the world continue to face considerable risks from indoor air and water pollution. The goal of our pilot project in Rajasthan is to contribute to a better understanding of the nature of this challenge, by focusing on the idea that strategic complementarities (across behaviors, implementation of interventions, and disease risks) may contribute to health-poverty traps. In particular, our objective is to better understand the factors that drive adoption of improved cook stoves (ICS), and to measure the effects of exposure to ICS interventions on the demand for household water and sanitation improvements. We are implementing a rigorous research design coupled with application of a series of analytical techniques to study these issues.
Main research collaborators:
- Subhrendu Pattanayak; Jenny Orgill; Alexandra Shannon (Duke)
- Subhadip Rao; Janat Shah (IIM-Udaipur)
- Ronak Shah; Priyanka Singh; Anantvijah Singh (Seva Mandir)