Francis Sakita

Home Institutions: Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre; Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College

Research Site: Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Tanzania.

Research Topic: Emergency Medicine.

Francis Sakita

Head of Department of Emergency Medicine
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center

Dr. Sakita currently works as a clinician, researcher and lecturer in the department of Emergency Medicine at KCMC/KCMUCo. Currently he is a co-PI on research focusing on Alcohol and Trauma in adult patients. One of his on-going research studies is PRACT: A Pragmatic Randomized Adaptive Clinical Trial Protocol to Investigate a Culturally Adapted Brief Negotiational Intervention for Alcohol Use in the Emergency Department in Tanzania. His mentors are Prof Blandina Mmbaga, Dr. Catherine Staton, and Prof Joao Vissoci. Dr. Sakita hopes that the PRACT study outcomes will be a gamechanger in the management of alcohol intoxicated trauma patients through addition of a brief negational intervention in the treatment protocol.

Dr. Sakita completed his undegraduate medical studies at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo) in 2012. He later joined Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) as a general practitioner at the Casualty where he was inspired and captivated to go for a postgraduate training in Emergency medicine at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences. He graduated in 2017 and became the first and only Emergency physician in the region spearheading the development of the specialty. In his spare time he enjoys working out, gardening and reading.

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