Dr Oludoyinmola Ojifinni
Dr Doyinmola Ojifinni is working with the Gemini-Nigeria team on the R Jolad Sepsis study. Her role in the project is to provide methodological expertise in the protocol development through the conduct of the study to the data analysis and report writing.
Dr Ojifinni is a Community Medicine Specialist with a PhD in Public Health and a Fellowship of the West African College of Physicians (Community Health). She has about 20 years of clinical experience in both private and public sectors. Currently, she is a researcher at the School of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg. Her research interests include quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research in epidemiology, maternal and child health and non-communicable disease prevention. When not working, she is a wife, mother, avid reader, poet and singer.