- Drew’s publication was selected as Extramural Paper of the Month by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in September, 2017 https://www.niehs.nih.gov/news/newsletter/2017/9/papers/dert/index.htm
- Drew Day was featured on North Carolina Public Radio, on July 19, 2017 New Connections Between Ozone And Cardiovascular Health.
http://wunc.org/post/new-connections-between-ozone-and-cardiovascular-health - Jim’s latest publication in The Lancet featured on the Nicholas School of the Environment website: Air Pollution Cancels Positive Health Effects of Exercise in Older Adults
- Jim’s new grants featured on the Nicholas School of the Environment website: $2.5 Million Grant Will Fund Study of Air Pollution’s Impacts on Birth Weight
- Jim gives interview to German NPR on his latest publication http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/ratten-und-pekinger-smog-luftverschmutzung-macht-dick.676.de.html?dram:article_id=349017
- Jim’s latest publication featured in a Los Angeles Times news article I knew Beijing’s bad air was killing me slowly. But is making me fat too?
- Listen to Jim’s interview with BBC titled “What is China Doing to Clean the Air?” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03f7mfl
- Beijing Olympics ‘natural study’ links pollution to lower birth weight
- Beijing Air Pollution Clean-Up For 2008 Olympics Linked To Birth Of Heavier, Possibly Healthier Babies