Vanessa Menezes Menegassi

Preferred pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Home Institution: State University of Maringá - Brazil

Research/Fellowship/Job Site: Duke University and State University of Maringá - Brazil

Vanessa Menezes Menegassi

Research Affiliate

Bio: Vanessa Menezes Menegassi (she/her/hers) is a Brazilian researcher, graduated from the State University of Maringá – Brazil, with a master’s degree in Human Performance and Physical Activity and currently a PhD Student in Psychosocial and Motor Factors related to Human Performance. Vanessa was a visiting scholar at Duke University, with doctoral scholarship (2021-2022), advised by PhD João Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci and collaborating with GEMINI group. Her topics of interest are Sports Sciences, Data Analysis and Psychometric Studies.

Currently, Vanessa works as a Research affiliate at GEMINI group, being involved in the project “Psychometrics: outcome assessment development, evaluation and adaptation” focusing on generating valid instruments to assess different diseases in other cultures and languages. In Brazil, works as a Director of Methodology in a Soccer Club and as Research Supervisor at the State University of Maringá, in the Program “Academia & Futebol”, from the Ministry of Citizenship.

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