Thiago Rocha

Preferred Pronouns: He/Him/His.

Home Institution: World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization.

Research Topics: Data Science; Machine Learning.

Thiago Rocha

Data Science Researcher

Dr. Rocha currently works at the World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Prior to his current role, he collaborated with Drs. Vissoci, Staton, and Monteiro on R21TW011944 – “Using community health centers to mitigate the impact of snakebite envenoming in remote areas: Development and formative evaluation of a novel multimodal intervention in the Brazilian Amazon.” Dr. Rocha and Dr. Vissoci worked together closely on planning, conducting, and supervising data analyses. Dr. Rocha led the development of a database capable of considering time and distance of displacement using rivers as a transportation network as well as a location-allocation modeling analysis to determine the minimum number of community health centers (CHC) required to provide under six hours of travel time to the maximum number of people.

Dr Rocha is a native Brazilian and has centered his professional career around public health in Brazil. He has extensive knowledge of the health system, public data repositories (e.g., DATASUS), and research institutions and resources.

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