Luciano de Andrade, RN, MS, PhD

Preferred pronouns:  He/Him/His

Home Institution: State University of Maringá – Paraná sate Brazil

Research Topic/Job Title: Duke Fellow – 2013-14; Emerging Leaders Programme – World heart Federation 2015; Postdoctoral internship DGHI - 2016; Adjunct Professor

Home Institution: State University of Maringá – Paraná sate Brazil

Luciano de Andrade, RN, MS, PhD

Adjunct Professor

Bio: Dr. Andrade is a adjunct professor in the Department of Medicine and in the Postgraduate Programs in Health Sciences (Academic Masters and Doctorates) and in Management, Technology and Innovation in Urgency and Emergency (Professional Masters) at the State University of Maringá (UEM), Paraná, Brazil. Leader of the Research Group on Digital Technologies and Geoprocessing in Health – GETS. His research focuses on the factors that lead to delay in initial care and external causes such as geographic, sociodemographic factors, transportation challenges, and primary and tertiary hospital care processes, identifying such areas for improvement and suggesting interests. Research experiences in spatial epidemiology and artificial geographic intelligence (geoAI). Dr.  Andrade has been an active collaborator in our Section of Emergency Medicine Global Health in the Division of Emergency Medicine as well as in the Duke Global Health Institute at Duke University.

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