Catherine Ann Staton, MD, MS
Director of GEMINI
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Research Professor of Global Health
Professor in Neurosurgery
Dr. Staton is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Neurosurgery and Global Health with Tenure at Duke University; a practicing emergency medicine physician and the co-founder of the Global Emergency Medicine Innovation and Implementation (GEMINI) Research Center in the Duke Department of Emergency Medicine (as of July 1 2022) and the Duke Global Health Institute. While working clinically, she has witnessed the burden of injury and the magnitude of its impact on patients, family and communities both in the United States and abroad. In 2011, she completed an ARRA NIH Post-doctoral Fellowship in Mozambique implementing the Ministry of Health’s Clinical Trauma Registry at Maputo Central Hospital. After, she transitioned to Duke and focused on injury prevention and care at KCMC in Moshi, Tanzania. She established a Traumatic Brain Injury Registry at KCMC and she found 30% of injury patients were intoxicated at the time of their injury thus spurring a research line in alcohol harm prevention. Since, Catherine has been an NIH funded Emergency Medicine Global Health researcher who completed a K01, R21 and is currently funded with R21 and D43 projects; capacity building, mentorship and health system strengthening globally are part of her research platform to ensure decolonized global health research and equitable access to quality care globally. Since 2011, she has mentored over 120 undergraduate, masters, and medical students, residents, fellows, post-doctoral students and junior faculty locslly and globally. Further, she has participated in mentorship of junior faculty members through the VECD Fogarty fellowship, and D43s in Mozambique and Tanzania (Emory Trauma D43, MEPI, MEPI-Jr, TRECK). In her ‘spare’ time she likes to run half marathons!
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- Road Traffic Injuries
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