Blandina Mmbaga, MD, PhD

Blandina Mmbaga photo

Preferred pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Home Institution: Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center

Research/Fellowship/Job Site: Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Blandina Mmbaga, MD, PhD

Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center

I am a pediatrician at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) participating in clinical, teaching, and research activities. I am also a senior lecturer at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College of the Tumaini University Makumira. I graduated with a PhD in 2013 from the University of Bergen Centre for International Health and the Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care. Currently, I am the Site Co-leader for the KCMC-Duke Collaboration in clinical research in which CFAR, IMPAACT, and ACTG studies are part of the ongoing activities. I have been working with the KCMC HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Clinic as well as research activities at the institution since 2004. I was a member of IMPAACT Vaccine Immunology Scientific Committee for six years (2006-2012).  I received a NICHD/Westat contract for IMPAACT studies in June 2014 as Principal Investigator.  As a Senior Lecturer at the college, I also supervise students on their research proposals and thesis work for Master’s and PhD courses. Currently, I am Director of the Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute (KCRI), leading and participating in numerous research activities including studies of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma within the ESCCAPE network, clinical trials of tuberculosis second-line drugs, clinical trials on prevention of HIV/AIDS mother to child transmission, and antibacterial resistance. I have led the establishment of the zoonoses disease laboratory at KCRI including Brucella, anthrax, and leptospirosis and leading febrile illness studies outbreak investigations using Taqman card array and I have led the implementation of the Illumina Miseq and establishment of whole genome sequence within KCRI. I have extensive experience in mentorship for students within and outside the country. I have been a mentor for two successful K awards (1K01TW009985-01 and K01 TW 010000), with the mentees getting R01 awards as well as other Fogarty trainees in Tanzania from Duke and UVA. For this application, as PD I will coordinate all research planning activities at KCRI-KCMC for the trainees within KCMUCo.  I am and have been involved in training awards (D43TW009595 and R25TW011227) as a mentor to trainees in this capacity building grant. I am enthusiastic about further developing the capacity for injury research.

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