A randomized trial of a family strengthening and parenting intervention among Burmese migrant and displaced families in Thailand
Principal Investigators: Theresa S. Betancourt, Eve S. Puffer, Jeannie Annan
Co-Investigator: Amanda Sim
“Happy Families” is a group-based intervention for families, including children ages 8 to 12 and their caregivers. This 12-session intervention is based on the Strengthening Families Program and aims to improve family relationships, reduce harsh punishment, increase positive parenting behaviors, and improve child mental health. The International Rescue Committee led a randomized trial of the intervention across 20 communities surrounding Mae Sot, Thailand. The trial included 479 Burmese migrant and displaced families, with results showing impacts on parenting, family functioning, and child mental health.
Status: Completed
Relevant Publications:
Puffer, E. S., Annan, J., Sim, A. L., Salhi, C. & Betancourt, T. S. (2017). The Impact of a Family Skills Training Intervention Among Burmese Migrant Families in Thailand: A Randomized Controlled Trial. PloS one.
Annan, J., Sim, A., Puffer, E. S., Salhi, C., & Betancourt, T. S. (2016). Improving Mental Health Outcomes of Burmese Migrant and Displaced Children in Thailand: a Community-Based Randomized Controlled Trial of a Parenting and Family Skills Intervention. Prevention Science, 1-11.